Thursday, 8 July 2010


Wiki is not so hard to use and appears easy to add additional items and comments, although how much it could be used in the library I'm not sure. Maybe for adding items for staff meeting lists as and when they come to mind, so that an agenda can be made from it, but not every person will look at it including me. I can see that there will in time be so many sites to check that quite a lot of time will be taken up just doing that.
I should think that for researchers in the same subject might consider it a useful tool, however, how much of their findings/results they are likely to give away is another matter. Publishing their own articles is surely what they really want and wish to get credit for. There is also the legal aspects which has to be considered if you collaborate and then publish. ( credit where credit is due)

1 comment:

  1. researcheres might write their article collaboratively on a wiki, and then publish in the normal way. If only the people involved in the reasearch have access to the wiki, then there shouldn't be any greater legal issues than if the data they're writing about were on a shared computer drive.

    good contribution to our wiki!
